Burgis & Bullock Chartered Accountants: far more than just number-crunchers
When it comes to weighing up the benefits of accountancy firms, one against the other, to decide which one you’d like to use, for most business owners it’s not simply a question of price, but also a question of standards, ethics and, above all, values. After all, you want to deal with people you like and trust, not just people who offer the cheapest price!
The following Values Statement may help you decide whether Burgis & Bullock is the right firm for you.
Burgis & Bullock stands for:
Commitment and Dedication to your success, so you can rely on us 100%
Honesty and Integrity in all our dealings with you, HMRC and other government or regulatory bodies, so you always know exactly where you stand.
Clarity in communication including jargon-free reporting, so you’re always clear about what’s being said.
Independence and Objectivity in producing reports and information – because that’s what being professional is all about – and you’ll have absolute confidence in everything we do and say.
You don’t need an accountant who will simply measure your numbers… but someone who will help you influence and change them. Thanks to regular, meaningful contact with you and constantly improving our understanding of your business, you can be sure you’ll always get the most appropriate solutions.