Performance Analysis & Reporting
In a larger business the Financial Controller (FC) has the task of extracting data and generating reports for management. The Finance Director (FD) then works with the Board of Directors to make financially sound decisions and to keep the management team on track.
The FC function typically takes between 2 and 4 days each month, but let’s face it, no-one wants to spend time crunching the numbers when the real value lies in the discussion that takes place after raw data has been converted into meaningful management information.
Burgis and Bullock are you Financial Controller (FC), extracting raw data and generating highly detailed, accurate management reports in near real time so you and your team can focus on making better and more timely decisions based on comprehensive management Information. If you need more help, our part-time FD service is perfect for those who need more than a basic bookkeeping function, but don’t yet need a full time FD.
To discover more about the Enhanced Management Reporting we can offer, check out the following example Reports: