With the imminent arrival of the new Pensions Regulations, letter templates have been made available from The Pensions Regulator for employers to communicate with workers about automatic enrollment.
Communicating with workers is an essential step in preparing for automatic enrollment, and employers are required by law to provide in writing the right information, to the right individual, at the right time. Not a simple task for the majority of employers who do not employ a dedicated HR department!
However, help is at hand and the Pensions Regulator, in conjunction with the Department for Work and Pensions, has developed a set of useful letter templates which include all the details employers are required by law to communicate with their workers. They can be adapted to suit the organisation and workers’ circumstances.
Auto Enrollment is a complicated process with myriad rules and regulations surrounding employees dates of birth, anniversaries and even the PAYE reference of the employer can have a bearing on the regulations, so anything that helps is to be applauded.
You can access the templates here employer letter template tool
If you have any questions about pensions, S2P or auto-enrollment please contact Malcolm from our Chapel Court Wealth Planning arm, or your local Burgis & Bullock office.