Peer Networks: Andy Ibbitson, Management Consultant and Interim Executive

Andy Ibbitson is a Management Consultant and Interim Executive based in Nuneaton but operates all over the UK.

He has been a member of one of the Peer Networks programme groups run by Burgis & Bullock since October 2020.

Andy specialises in business turnaround and the resolution of business problems to either create or retain value. His work ranges from delivering projects, the development of growth strategies procurement savings competitive studies on products and managing the introduction of new projects on behalf of clients

He also delivers interim assignments to agreed objectives for clients in the UK and internationally if required.

Some of Andy’s clients have included aerospace, automotive, learning & development providers, productivity specialists, software developers and manufacturing businesses.

Recently, Andy was engaged by a client to undertake a competitive study of a new product in the highways sector to find out whether the value could be improved to end clients whilst creating better margins for the manufacturer. The project resulted in a 15 per cent improvement in costs per annum for the client.

Andy has seen his work decrease because of the Covid-19 pandemic and discovered the Peer Networks initiative while carrying out some research online.

He was able to share his own expertise with fellow business owners and the sessions encouraged Andy to approach challenges within his own business differently – including reassessing how he promotes his services.

Andy said: “As a result of the pandemic I was seeking to build skills and connections through networking and therefore engaged with the Peer Networks group.

“It’s been an enormously challenging year, the worst year I’ve experienced for a long time. Access to the normal business environment on client sites has been virtually non-existent and the pandemic initially put people into survival mode, meaning they significantly reduced non-essential spend.

“Businesses engage me to create value through efficiency, growth and the delivery of new products or services, which has been understandably challenging in the pandemic, with this kind of work seen as non-essential.

“Initially I did not expect a great deal from the Peer Networks, but it proved a useful forum to listen and understand how people are navigating through business issues.

“It has been a great opportunity to connect, share and encourage fellow business owners. I have found that the insights from a diverse cohort have been invaluable. These have ranged from social media use for marketing, client buying behaviours and how businesses can pivot in times of crisis.

“As well as gaining advice on my own business, I was able to use my extensive experience to advise and guide other group members in terms of pathways to resolving their own issues too.

“As a result of the sessions I’m looking to further develop my digital presence with a new website and social media accounts to increase the focus on the value I offer for others.

“It’s important in business to have an open mind and be humble enough to consider different approaches and accept you don’t have all the answers.

“I’m starting to see more green shoots now and conversations are becoming more frequent with prospective clients. As more businesses reopen, I expect to receive more approaches and with a renewed focus on digital promotion will help me to make those introductions.”

Burgis & Bullock has delivered four cohorts of The Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Peer Networks programme through the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP) Growth Hub.

For more information about Peer Networks with Burgis & Bullock visit

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