As a start to the Bank Holiday Weekend, we thought our readers might like something a little lighthearted.
Here at Burgis & Bullock are working hard to help our clients and the wider Coventry & Warwickshire business community achieve business success. We are working together with a group of exceptional experts and in conjunction with our Business Mastermind Group partners organised an extremely enjoyable and successful event on the 22nd March.
One of the speakers on the day, Jon Newlyn, of Tickling Trout explained why, when communicating, it is extremely important to use stories and emotion to get your message to both register and be remembered.
To reinforce the message Jon used a short video clip they had prepared, the video which is absolutely hilarious had the audience in tears with laughter and it really struck a chord, we hope you like it:
The video was created by Tickling Trout, one of our Expert Partners, if you want to know more about this video, Explainer Videos or Dynamic Illustrations, please don’t hesitate to contact me or one of the team at Tickling Trout on our Business Mastermind Group website: on their own website:
Thank you Jon, for sharing your expertise in such an amusing and informative manner, everyone I have shown it to absolutely loves it.
If you’d like to know more about how we’re working with like-minded businesses through our Business Mastermind Group, or would be interested in joining simply click the link above, call us on 0345 177 5500, or use our on-line contact page.
Have a great Bank Holiday.