Introducing Business Watch

Business Watch

Warwickshire Business Watch is a multi-functional platform with the aim of providing reassurance to businesses in relation to Business and Cyber Crime.

Warwickshire Business Watch has been created in Partnership between the Warwickshire County Council Community Safety and Substance Misuse Team, the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Police. The website is managed by the Business Crime Advisor, a Police Crime Prevention Design Advisor and 2 Police Volunteers.

On the Warwickshire Business Watch website, businesses can access business and cyber advice, links to other groups who provide support including Trading Standard, Safe in Warwickshire and Action Fraud, and also the details of the team behind Business Watch and their contact details.

As well as holding free and impartial advice for businesses, the website offers the option to sign up to the free Warwickshire Business Watch alert scheme, similar to that of Warwickshire Rural Watch, to receive alerts on all information of relevance on the topics of business and cyber crime. The alerts will be used to notify businesses of crimes that could potentially affect them in their area, information on cyber threats but also general advice on staying safe online.

To access the Warwickshire Business Watch website please visit or if you’d like more information on Warwickshire Business Watch please contact Alex Williams, the Business Crime Advisor on 07920 814897.

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