In a recent initiative supported by the Local Enterprise partnership, Councils across the Coventry & Warwickshire regions have joined together to launch an online portal to encourage local business to tender for local government contracts.
The initiative called CSW-JETS (Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire’s Joint E-Tendering System) has been launched on requires businesses to first register their interest which is a simple process that will take just a couple of minutes. Once registered businesses have access to all opportunities posted by local authorities and will act as a single point of reference for all procurement in the region.
To register an interest in an opportunity there is a straight forward online process where any documents can be uploaded, and you can also register to be notified when future opportunities of interest arise.
This is a great move towards more openness on behalf of local government and should be applauded as anything that gives local business the chance to provide services which have traditionally been tied up by national players can only be good.
Whist the new site is a great leap forward, many businesses require financial information and business plans should be considered before tendering for any large project. At Burgis & Bullock we have years of experience helping businesses of all sizes ensure their compliance affairs are up to date as well as a dedicated team with experience of business and financial forecasting, contact us today on 0845 117 5500 or using the online form for immediate assistance.