Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust (CWRT) is showing how the high street banks and other business finance providers are finding new ways to work together.
It’s all to do with the increased availability of lending and the need to give business owners all possible finance options.
And a key driver behind this is thought to be the Government’s new Referral Scheme – check it out by clicking here.
Introduced at the end of 2016, this requires banks to provide businesses that they’re unable to help with details of other designated loan providers.
Based in Coventry CWRT (Coventry and Warwickshire Reinvestment Trust) is a regional finance provider.
CWRT offers flexible lending to help entrepreneurs get a new business off the ground – or help an existing business thrive.
Loan Manager, Andrew Scarborough explains, “As a loan provider we work with business entrepreneurs and with bankers, brokers and accountants.
“As a part of this we do all we can to build beneficial referral links and our partnerships with bankers ensure that anyone seeking a lone will have all the options made available to them.”
Anyone who would like to find out more about CWRT and supportive business loans is invited to call Leah, Allison or Andrew on 02476 551 777 or email CWRT at