Free Training for Charities & Not For Profit Organisations

At Burgis & Bullock we understand Charities and the 

Not For Profit sector


We audit a number of local (and not so local) charities and NFP organisations and provide specialist advice on accounting, governance, tax and VAT to many more. In 2018 we are going to run a number of interactive breakfast workshops to share our insights on the issues that affect this sector. The courses will cover areas which are of most concern to you so in the longer term we will be looking for your input and suggestions for ideas, but to get this initiative off the ground we will initially run sessions on three key areas.

Charity Donate Help Saving Sharing Support Volunteer Concept


We will start with an introduction to VAT as this can often be a significant cost. This seminar will cover the basics; when you should register for VAT, what you should charge VAT on, what you can claim back and VAT accounting in general. In addition we will also look at some of the reliefs available to reduce the burden of VAT on this sector and how you can avoid costly mistakes.


We will then look at how Direct Tax affects the sector and how to structure your organisation to make the most of the reliefs available.  We will address the often difficult area of what income is and is not exempt from tax for charitable trusts and charitable companies and what action charities should take to avoid paying tax on their income. We will also look at the tax relief available to donors and how charities can use this to their advantage and not fall foul of anti-avoidance measures when raising funds.  And finally we will look at accounting and governance issues.


Hold the date

Charities and the Not For Profit sector:

1.    Introduction to VAT

       Tuesday 16th January 2018                     8.30am  – Registration and coffee

                                                                       10.15am – Close   


2.    Direct Tax implications for Charities – Trading and Gift Aid                                  

       Tuesday 20th February 2018                   8.30am  – Registration and coffee

                                                                       10.15am – Close   


3.    Charity accounting and governance                     

        Tuesday 20th March 2018                     8.30am – Registration and coffee

                                                                      10.15am – Close

To register for any of these events, or request additional information, please go to our events page or call us on 0345 177 5500 today.

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